Illustration for PKP Intercity

The project to create an illustration on a train for the client PKP Intercity, dedicated to the 2024 Olympic Games in Paris, aims to develop a unique and memorable design. The goal is to create an illustration that reflects the Olympic theme and the spirit of sports competition, while also integrating elements related to Polish culture and traditions.


The technical requirements include several key elements. First, the illustration should thematically connect to the 2024 Olympic Games. Additionally, the design should incorporate Polish cultural elements, including national motifs and the colors of the Polish flag.
The color palette should combine traditional Olympic colors (blue, green, black, yellow, red) with the corporate colors of PKP Intercity and Poland.
The project's timeline includes two phases: the development of the concept over two weeks and the creation of the final design within four weeks after the concept is approved.
There is also provision for the illustration to be used in advertising materials and PKP Intercity's social media.
The problem-solving process begins with researching Olympic and Polish culture to integrate their elements into the design. At this stage, conceptual sketches are created and discussed with the client to select the most suitable option. After the concept is approved, vector illustrations are developed with detailed elaboration of all elements and selection of the color palette.
The project implementation process includes several stages: information gathering, sketching and concept creation, development of the final design, approval and adjustments, preparation for printing, and installation. Finally, the completed project is analyzed, and feedback is obtained from the client, which helps improve approaches to future projects.
This project not only showcases the uniqueness of PKP Intercity but also supports the Olympic spirit, enhancing brand recognition among passengers and viewers.

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